Starting JBoss Wildfly as a service using supervisord
Posted by joe | Filed under Java, JBoss AS7, Linux
Assuming you have downloaded and installed JBoss Wildfly, you may want to start the application server as a service. supervisord is a control agent which allows you to start arbitrary programs as a service. In this post I’ll give a short walkthrough how to install and configure this setup. The setup is based on Fedora Linux, but the steps can be adapted easily to different flavors of Linux.
First you need to install the necessary packages and their dependencies. supervisor itself is a meta daemon, which we configure to control Wildfly, so it needs to be started as a service itself.
yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk supervisor
systemctl enable supervisord
Although Fedora provides a set of RPM packages for Wildfly itself, I’d like to install it from the original tarball, since you often need to provide your own modules for database drivers etc. I’ve extracted the the archive to /opt/wildfly.
I’d like to have a separate user:
adduser -m jboss
The user’s home directory /home/jboss will contain the files which are needed to run the service, so we separate the installation in /opt/wildfly from the execution. For this we need a copy of the files of /opt/wildfly/standalone.
mkdir /home/jboss/wildfly
cd /opt/wildfly/standalone
tar -cO . | tar -x -C /home/jboss/wildfly
chown -R jboss /opt/wildfly/standalone
Also copy the standalone.conf from /opt/wildfly/bin
to /home/jboss/wildfly
since you may want to modify it. And finally we provide a control script for the supervisor at /etc/supervisord.d/wildfly.ini
command=/opt/wildfly/bin/ -c standalone.xml
Now we will start the supervisord with
systemctl start supervisord
and add the Wildfly server and start it
supervisorctl update
supervisorctl status wildfly
if all goes well, this will fire up the application server. You can check this at the server.log file and using supervisorctl status wildfly